2024 Summer Guild

Outrageous, Contagious Joy!

Scroll below to see pictures, videos, and creative projects produced by this year’s students.

The Week in Video

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We create because we were created by the Great Creator, who imbued each of us with His creativity. Though that creativity takes many forms, our primary, foundational creative outlet is STORY, both written and oral. This year’s scriptwriting course examined storytelling in film, broadcasting, and written creative storytelling, vis-à-vis Christianity and the arts. The creative process and how it relates to Christian principles, faith, and practice was emphasized via lectures, in-depth discussions of films, audio, and written stories, as well as hands-on writing and creative projects. Emphasis was placed on spiritual and artistic development, and how Christian creatives could engage their own and the greater community via creative arts. Finally, by studying foundational principles of story, students learned how to create their own stories, and then applied what they learned into practice through creating their own short audio drama.

Voice Acting

Your voice is your instrument—acting is how you use that instrument.

Throughout the week, students learned how to tune their “instruments” and enhance their acting skills through improvisation, cold reads, building a character, auditioning, and working as an ensemble to tell compelling, truthful stories.

(And they had a ton of fun doing it!)

Sound Design

Allen Hurley, the master-mind behind the sound design for Lamplighter Theatre, taught sound design at this year’s Guild!

Students learned to tell stories through sounds that helped their audience “see with their ears.”

Allen Hurley specializes in creating rich, layered sound effects that make you feel like you’re actually “there.” From celery sticks, to cornstarch, to leather shoes, students learned to use creative methods to create immersive and lifelike sounds that ignite the imagination of the listener.

Music Design

This year we were delighted to have American film composer and orchestrator, Zachary Horner, with us as a master teacher. Students in music design received personal, practical training and advice. Throughout the week, students were also a part of scoring audio dramas from stem to stern, which gave them the opportunity to see Zachary’s setup, workflow, and creative choices.


Biblical Theology

This year we had three amazing Bible teachers—Dr. Lew Sterrett, Dr. Warren Gage, and Dr. Mark Hamby. They brought three unique perspectives to the Word of God and truly made it a class to remember!


Dramatic Ballet

For the first time, Light of the World Ballet instructed students in interpretive dramatic ballet!

Students were introduced to caricature (pantomime) acting paired with choreography and ballet. They also explored how to creatively communicate story through synchronized movement and expression. This elective culminated in a full-length stage acting and ballet performance.

Choir Elective

Humble worship and praise is powerful.

The goal of this summer’s choral elective was to train singers to come together as one voice to praise the Lord in “the beauty of holiness,” and in so doing bring honor to His name, cause the enemy to flee, and declare a message of hope!

Visual Arts

Bringing a unique perspective to oil painting, Mark Baral walked his students through drawing and sketching basics, color theory, and his painting methods—climaxing with each student creating their own stellar painting of Letchworth State Park. The result? Enthusiasm, joy, new skills, passion renewed, and a tangible expression of the creativity and beauty of God!

A day in the life of a photography student…

A camera can be a bridge or a barrier—A tool to tell the story that God has laid on your heart, or a means to separate you from the action He is sending your way.

How will you use your camera for the glory of God?

This six-day photographic masterclass was custom-designed to meet the interests and needs of the artists. During the course, photography teacher, Mandy Pallock, invited students to showcase the day in the life of a guild student—through photography! Enjoy their work in the slideshows below.

Team building ropes course!

Students teamed up to complete a six-obstacle ropes course in only a few hours. Working together with their strengths and weaknesses, teams had to creatively problem-solve to get every member across as fast as possible!

Take the Next Step.

The Summer Guild gives you a rich sample in selective disciplines. Go deeper and wider as a student at The Masters Guild.

The Masters Guild expands on the Summer Guild’s teaching and training while adding a component of mentorship and work internship. Click below to learn more.