Dear Fellow Lamplighter Supporter,

 May I tell you our story of attending the Lamplighter Guild?

 After you get over the amazement of this beautiful nature setting, you begin to notice dozens of people arriving throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. Many of them are high school and college age, yet there is strong representation from every decade of life, including those in their 60’s and 70’s!

 What is common to this unusual group is that they have all been gifted by God artistically. And they are desperate (I mean desperate) to use their gifts for the Kingdom. How desperate? They start at 6:15 AM and finish at 10 or 11 PM. They get several hours “off” in the afternoon to enjoy this beautiful setting with more choices! There are elective choices of videography, photography, culinary art, horticulture and leadership games. Though they can’t squeeze any more time into the day, they savor time spent with their mentors. They have caught the message of pursuing excellence. Most have never been to a place like the Lamplighter Guild where true excellence is being taught and caught. 

 That brings me to the instructors. I am not an artist. But I could not wait to attend the seminars to hear the master-level teaching in voice acting, music design, sound design, photography, plein air painting, and much more. This is a rare gathering of veteran, Christian professional artists with a desire to pass their knowledge to the next generation.  If you are not artistically gifted you will leave the Lamplighter Guild with a new appreciation for the world of the artist and an exciting new love for the creative Word of God.

 The finale of the Guild is the creation of several productions in the creative arts. All 100 students at the Guild participated in some way. The end result was a film, a photographic synopsis of the week, an art gallery, a stage play, and an audio drama, all of which drew a standing ovation. It was an ovation to God, thanking Him for the joy of participating in His creative gifts. It was an ovation of belief that each person had something remarkable to offer the world as an ambassador of God.

 The best part of the week is to watch the changes that happen in individual lives. People discover talents they had never recognized before. Others find that the Guild is the first place they could be what God had meant them to be—a place of safety, worship, praise, and a place where you are convinced that nothing is impossible with God!

 I strongly recommend that you experience for yourself what a Lamplighter Guild is like.  It is like nothing you have ever experienced. There is no vacation you can plan that will be more enjoyable and more uplifting than this special week. If you can’t attend then please consider supporting this vital ministry.

 Larry & Esther Wiens

President of Barnabas, East Bay S.F.

Danville, CA